Senior researcher Tor Arnesen is one of three Norwegian candidates for the Board of Directors of Euromontana. This European network of mountain regions represents around 75 member organizations in 20 European countries.
It would be the first time a Norwegian research institute is represented on the board.
Euromontana works to promote living mountains areas and for sustainable development and better quality of life in the different European mountain areas. Eastern Norway Research Institute became a member two years ago and considers Euromontana as a significant international network for developing a knowledge foundation for a Norwegian mountain policy.
-Euromontana is an important forum to exchange expertise and discuss development in mountain areas, says Arnesen.
The election will take place on the 10th European mountain Convention in October in Bracança, Portugal.
Arnesen is also involved in the extensive EU- project SIMRA, a Horizon 2020-projects about social innovation in rural areas.