A Nordic-Baltic workshop on freshwater crayfish research and management was held at Sagadi Training Centre, Estonia, May 23-26 1998. The workshop gathered 37 participants from 9 different countries. In total 21 oral and 8 poster presentations were given, and there was also group work. The purpose of the workshop was to exchange information and knowledge based on current research and mangement experiences, and discuss future research needs. The Nordic and Baltic countries have many of the management problems and challenges in common. Good communication, co-operation and co-ordination between researchers and managers in the different countries are of great importance in order to enhance crayfish management and research. This report presents submitted manuscripts of the oral/poster presentations and conclusions and recommendations from the workshop, based on group work, country presentations, and plenary discussions.
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Nordic-Baltic workshop on freshwater crayfish research and management | (report no. 199826)