On the demand of the EU Commission Norway as one of eight countries was asked to report on the development of new ways of teaching and learning with a focus on the use of technology and its implications for higher education. Firstly, we give an overview of the higher education system of Norway, next we present the Norwegian Official Report “ MOOCs for Norway” and its main recommendations , and then we introduce three intermediate agencies and their contribution in promoting technology in higher education. Finally, we close with a presentation of case studies of the University of Agder and the Telemark University College and their work within the field of new digital learning methods. Summing up, we conclude that Norway is fortunate in having an official report with policy recommendations for an open online higher education, which need to be followed up with financial resources. While some of the higher education institutions have much experience with distance education and have done some progress within the field of new digital learning methods, there still remains much to be done.
Order Report
Changing the Pedagogical Landscape. New ways of teaching and learning and their implications for higher education policy | (report no. 201503)